83 research outputs found


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    STRATEGI PENINGKATAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN PADASMA NEGERI 3 MEULABOH KECAMATAN JOHAN PAHLAWAN KABUPATEN ACEH BARATOleh: Rahmad Syah PutraNIM: 1409200050039Komisi Pembimbing:1. Prof. Dr. Murniati AR, M. Pd.2. Dr. Bahrun, M. Pd.ABSTRAKPeningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan salah satu keharusan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: perencanaan, implementasi, pengawasan dan evaluasi program peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data: observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah Kepala Sekolah, Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Ketua MGMP, Komite Sekolah dan Pengawas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Peren-canaan peningkatan mutu pendidikan dilaksanakan oleh Kepala Sekolah dengan menyusun program sekolah sesuai dengan visi dan misi sekolah. Program yang disusun berupa penambahan jam pelajaran, peningkatan mutu guru melalui penataran, pelatihan guru, pelaksanaan supervisi, dan pendidikan lanjutan bagi guru. Sedangkan program perencanaan peningkatan mutu bagi siswa meliputi peningkatan pendidikan siswa melalui program kegiatan kokurikuler seperti: praktik ibadah, pramuka, latihan kepemimpinan, pembinaan bakat minat yang difokuskan kepada empat bidang kegiatan yang meliputi: bidang keagamaan, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, olah raga, serta bidang kesenian; (2) Implementasi program peningkatan mutu dilakukan dengan melaksanakan program sekolah yang telah direncanakan seperti: pemberian tugas dalam kegiatan kurikuler dan kokurikuler, memberi dukungan dan motivasi bagi guru yang melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi, pemantapan UAS dan UAN, mendatangkan narasumber, mengadakan rapat rutin, serta memberdayakan Komite Sekolah. (3) Pengawasan program peningkatan mutu pendidikan dilaksanakan oleh Kepala Sekolah pada personil pada awal dan akhir semester untuk mengetahui tingkat ketercapaian kurikulum yang diterapkan. (4) Evaluasi program peningkatan mutu pendidikan dilakukan oleh Kepala Sekolah dan Wakil Kepala Sekolah dengan mengacu pada program pengendalian mutu dan pedoman evaluasi pendidikan dilengkapi dengan instrumennya, dengan mencakup evaluasi hasil, proses pelaksanaan, dan faktor-faktor manajerial pendukung proses pendidikan.Kata kunci: Strategi, Peningkatan Mutu, dan Pendidika


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    ABSTRAKRahmad Syah Putra,2014PELANGGARAN MENGGUNAKAN KNALPOT YANG TIDAK MEMENUHI PERSYARATAN TEKNIS KENDARAAN BERMOTOR RODA DUA (Suatu Penelitian di Wilayah Hukum Pengadilan Negeri Banda Aceh)Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala.(iv,51), pp., bibl. M. Iqbal, S.H., M.HPasal 285 ayat (1) Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan mengatur tentang pengemudi sepeda motor yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis laik jalan yang meliputi kaca, knalpot, lampu penunjuk arah. Ancaman yang termuat dalam Pasal 106 (3) jo Pasal 48 (2) dan (3) baik pidana maupun denda bagi pelanggar. Meskipun terdapat ancaman pidana maupun denda masih banyak masyarakat yang melanggar peraturan tersebut.Tujuan pembahasan skripsi ini adalah untuk menjelaskan faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pelanggaran lalu lintas tidak menggunakan Knalpot yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis kendaraan bermotor roda dua, untuk menjelaskan upaya yang dilakukan untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi terjadinya pelanggaran menggunakan knalpot yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis kendaraan bermotor roda dua.Data dalam penulisan skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian Kepustakaan dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data sekunder dilakukan dengan cara mempelajari peraturan Perundang-undangan, literatur-literatur yang ada hubungannya dengan masalah dibahas. Penelitian lapangan dimaksudkan untuk memperoleh data primer dilakukan dengan cara mewawancarai para responden.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat tidak menggunakan Knalpot Standar dalam mengendarai kendaraan bermotor di Kota Banda Aceh antara lain :Mengikuti modifikasi model kendaraan, tidak mengetahui kalau hal tersebut melanggar hukum, pengaruh teman, kurang nyaring bunyi knalpot dari pabrikan serta kurang menariknya bentuk yang dipasang dari pabrik. Kurangnya kesadaran hukum penggunaan. Upaya pencegah dan menanggulangi terjadi pelanggaran lalu lintas, adalah dengan cara : Preventif yaitu melakukan sosialisasi mengenai penggunaan Knalpot Standar, baik manfaat yang ditimbulkannya maupun kerugian dari penggunaan knalpot yang tidak standar, memberikan pendidikan dan penyuluhan kepada anggota masyarakat serta, melakukan himbauan-himbauan. Represif yaitu dengan melakukan Razia, penilangan terhadap pelaku pelanggaran.Disarankan kepada pelaku pelanggaran agar tidak mengulangi pelanggaran dimasa yang akan datang. Disarankan agar pihak kepolisian lebih meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 ini di Kota Banda Aceh khususnya bagi pengendara kendaraan yang menggantikan Knalpot standar dengan yang tidak standar dengan menerapkan sanksi pidana yang sesuai dalam Undang-Undang No. 22Tahun 2009

    Peran Farid Husain dalam Perdamaian Aceh

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    This study concerns the process of resolving the Aceh’s conflict and the role of one of the leaders in Aceh's peace, Farid Husain. The purpose of this study is to examine and to discuss the history of the resolution of the Aceh’s conflict, and the role of Farid Husain in Aceh peace In collecting the data, this study uses historical and descriptive analytical methods. The method of data collection is through three methods, namely observation, interview and documentation study. The results showed that during the conflict in Aceh, very much effort was made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to resolve the Aceh’s conflict, starting from the reigns of President Soekarno, Suharto, BJ, Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Soekarno Putri, to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Government and Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla who became the solution to the peaceful conflict in Aceh through intensive direct dialogue between facilitated by the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI). Farid Husain was one of the people involved in the Aceh peace process who played a role in opening communication with GAM leaders and working behind the scenes to supply information about Aceh and GAM in the interests of the Indonesian peace team in resolving the Aceh conflict through peaceful means. The results of the study also found that the Aceh peace process was collectively carried out by various parties, not involving one actor, one of which was Farid Husain who played the role of To See The Actor, also involving various other figures including the Acehnese leaders themselves

    Islamic Education in Sri Ratu Tajul Safiatuddin’s Period (Historical Review)

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    The background of this study is to see how the Islamic education in Sri Ratu Tajul Alam Safiatuddin's period, at that time the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam peak of its glory (Century XVII), it was visited by many scholars (Ulama and the Poet), foreign and domestic. Among those who came, there are some scholars who stayed in Aceh and return to his homeland as well. While in Aceh, they became a teacher, especially in the science of religion and the author of books on various branches of science. Since the number of teachers and authors who live in Aceh make Aceh as "Qibla" the study of Islam and other sciences in the archipelago at that time. The purpose of this study was to determine how the system of Islamic education in the XVII century (1050-1086 H = 1641-1675 AD), the progress and the development of Islamic education in Aceh during the reign of Sri Ratu Tajul Alam Safiatuddin and compliance with the current context. Data from this study were obtained through the collection of a variety of references and relevant sources, then in their analysis authors use literature review, the results of the processing of these data are concluded that the Islamic Education In Sri Ratu  Tajul Alam Safiatuddin's period was very advanced, because he encouraged the importance of education and science when he lead, at that time science and education in Aceh were developed so well, the literature of Malay-Aceh was very well-known to all over the world


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    The background of this study is to see how the Islamic education in  Sri Ratu Tajul Alam Safiatuddin’s period, at that time the kingdom of Aceh Darussalam peak of its glory (Century XVII), it was visited by many scholars (Ulama and the Poet), foreign and domestic. Among those who came, there are some scholars who stayed in Aceh and return to his homeland as well. While in Aceh, they became a teacher, especially in the science of religion and the author of books on various branches of science. Since the number of teachers and authors who live in Aceh make Aceh as "Qibla" the study of Islam and other sciences in the archipelago at that time. The purpose of this study was to determine how the system of Islamic education in the XVII century (1050-1086 H = 1641-1675 AD), the progress and the development of Islamic education in Aceh during the reign of Sri Ratu Tajul Alam Safiatuddin and compliance with the current context. Data from this study were obtained through the collection of a variety of references and relevant sources, then in their analysis authors use literature review, the results of the processing of these data are concluded that the Islamic Education In Sri Ratu  Tajul Alam Safiatuddin’s period was very advanced, because he encouraged the importance of education and science when he lead, at that time science and education in Aceh were developed so well, the literature of Malay-Aceh was very well-known to all over the world


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    The problem in this research is how the influence of career development, work facilities, professional commitment and supervision of work partially or simultaneously on the performance of employees in the Tebing Tinggi Pratama Tax Office The research objective: To determine the effect of career development, work facilities, professional commitment and work supervision partially and simultaneously on the performance of employees in the Primary Tax Office Tebing Tinggi. The hypothesis proposed is: There is the influence of career development, work facilities, professional commitment, partial supervision and jointly on the performance of employees at the Primary Tax Office Tebing Tinggi. The study was conducted at the Tebing Tinggi Pratama Tax Service Office Jalan Sutoyo Number 32 Rambung Tebing Tinggi., With a population of 82 people, and a study sample of 82 people. Based on the results of the analysis, there is a significant influence between career development on the performance of the Pratama Tebing Tinggi Tax Office employee, because according to the results of the t count t-table analysis (1.895 1.67) at n = 82 with a significance level of 95%. There is a significant influence between work facilities on the performance of the Primary Tax Office employees of Tebing Tinggi, the results of t count analysis t-table (1,874 1.67) at n = 82 with a level of significance of 95%. There is a significant influence between professional commitment to the performance of the Primary Tax Service Office Tebing Tinggi, because according to the results of the analysis t count t-table (2.074 1.67) at n = 82 with a significance level of 95%. There is a significant influence between the supervision of the performance of the Pratama Tebing Tinggi Tax Office employee, because according to the results of the t-count analysis t-table (2.493 1.67) at n = 82 with a significance level of 95%. Together (multiple) there is a positive and significant influence on career development, work facilities, professional commitment and supervision of the performance of employees of the High Pratama Tax Service Office, because the F test results obtained F-count F table (12,305 2,48) . Thus the hypothesis proposed is accepted by the truth


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    Some companies convection that is often experienced by the owner of XYZ lies in the lack of information provided by each - each branch office ( lack of synchronization between the data center and branch office ). This is because the human resources available in each - each branch office is not sufficient to be able to make a more detailed report to the center.  Inadequate reports of each - each branch office , also led to the management does not know for sure about their finances and inventory - each branch . System to be built is a container used to store data from various branch offices . Of these containers will be carried out such ananalysis process OLAP ( OnLine Analytical Processing ) and can also be used as reporting tools .Operational data of each branch will be entered into a central database . After that , we will perform an Extraction , Transformation , and Loading to filter the data that will be inserted into the data warehouse . Modeling the model used is the Star . Architecture that will be used is Two - Layer Architecture . The information generated from the processing of the data warehouse design waking with OLAP analysis in the form of a query . Information presented in the form of queries : goods , office and dat


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    Fuzzy time series adalah metode peramalan data yang menggunakan prinsip-prinsip fuzzy sebagai dasarnya, sedangkan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) mengambil cukup banyak aspek atau kriteria untuk memecahkan masalah yang kompleks. Dengan menggunakan kedua metode tersebut, dapat diramalkan jumlah mahasiswa berprestasi ditahun 2016, dengan data yang diambil dari tahun 2011-2015. Hasil yang dicapai untuk mahasiswa berprestasi pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 35 orang

    KUALA BATEE AND THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES INVANTION IN ACEH (Kuala Batee dan Sejarah Invansi Amerika Serikat di Aceh)

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    This study aims to describe the dark history of the United States invasion in 1832 CE through archaeological remains found in the Kingdom of Kuala Batee. The research method used is qualitative research methods with in-depth analysis techniques. The results of the research prove that the United States Invasion in 1832 CE, had destroyed the Kingdom of Kuala Batee which had advanced in its time with its black pepper trade. Black pepper also became the main target for Europeans and the United States at that time. The attacks carried out by the United States have left the archaeological remains of the Kuasla Batee Kingdom, as a silent witness to the progress and destruction of an empire. Keywords: Kuala Batee, Kingdom, United States, Invasio
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